Independent Reading

      Independent reading is when someone reads for enjoyment. Having independent reading time is essential in a classroom. The way I plan to implement independent reading into my classroom is have a designated time, at least 20 minutes, set aside each day for the students to have uninterrupted time to read for enjoyment. I also believe it is important for them to see their teacher practicing what he/she preaches as well, so I will also read for a few minutes each day. It is crucial that the students have time each day to independently read. 

Practical ways to incorporate independent reading:
·      Start off the morning with 30-40 minutes of teacher monitored independent reading.
·      Just adding time and space for structured reading is not enough, it needs to be a structured, carefully designed reading program.
·      Having an organized classroom library is essential.

·      The teacher helps the child select “just right books” for them during the time allocated for independent reading in the class.

Effects of Independent Reading:
·      The amount of free reading done outside of school has consistently been found to relate to growth in vocabulary, reading comprehension, verbal fluency, and general information.
·      Students who read independently become better readers, and score higher on achievement tests.
·      It is important to set the student up with the right amount of a challenge so they can figure out the problems for themselves, but not enough to get frustrated!

Components of a good reading program:
·      There’s a difference between silent and independent reading.
·      It’s important for the teacher to also read a couple of days a week as well. It shows the students that the teacher reads for enjoyment.

Examples of a good reading program:
·      Story hours
·      Parents and child programs
·      Book-related activities
Grades 1-5
·      Summer reading programs
·      Tutoring programs
Paired Reading:
·      It helps students to become more self sufficient and less reliant on the teacher in groups of two.
·      Paired reading needs to be modeled for the students.
Independent Reading Power Point